Here's another anime turn movie by hollywood. Blood: The Last Vampire, has a wide range of fans in its anime version. When I first saw the trailer of this live movie I actually smiled, atleast this time hollywood casted the characters right. Which means they casted a japanese girl as Saya and the characters that are suppose to be japanese are really japanese. Not like Dragonball which was casted stupidly or Mermois of a Giesha where they casted chinese people.. o.0 WUWT. Anyway, this Blood movie is base on the first movie of the animation not the series. This is where Saya was asked to go undercover to as a high school student to hunt down blood suckers. (notice that they didn't mention the word vampire in the movie. or did i miss it... anyway). But in this live movie version it looks like Saya is being comfronted by her vampire mother. Which I don't remember in the series that her mother was looking for her. If we base it on the series Blood Plus... Saya was looking or rather defending the movies from her twin sister, not her mother. But this changes or addition in the movie is quite okey, it didn't ruined the essense of the story.
Other all the cinematography is good, fight scenes are so anime and even the way they moved is so anime. The movie didn't stray far from the actual story. There are a lot of gorey stuff when Saya kills with her sword but its tolerable. There might be some reviews saying that its a corney movie... i even read one that he didn't like it and said something about FB japanese girls.. well the author was a F*A* racist american anyway so what do you expect. LOL
Trust me I am a Blood fan, and if you are a Blood fan like me, you won't be disappointed if you watch this movie. BTW, in the series the guy with Saya the one that poses her bodyguard is not in the movie. Again, the movie was based on the anime movie... not the series. ^_^