so, its the end of the world. Hollywood has been fixated on making movies for the past days about our world ending. either its from the birth of the anti-Christ. Coming of alien species, climate change, earths core distraction and earth lost its gravitational pull. and now this 2012 - the shifting of tectonic plates, just like what happened millions of years ago.
So it all started when a scientist from India recorded the biggest solar eruption of the sun that cost the earth core to heat up making the land mass shift cozing massive earthquakes that submerge a lot of continents and also cost major shifting of poles. So if the earthquakes won't kill you, the tsunamis will. So there really wasn't any escape. However, looks like the content of Africa wasn't flooded and if you were on the tip of mount Everest you wont be drowned by the tsunamis.
The movie is good, it has moral, it has lessons learned. however there are facts that the writer has missed out. How could the African content survive when in fact it is Asia that has the highest sea level so the Asian content should have survived. And my friend actually have the point. Could be that the Mayan calendar ended on 2012 because when the Spanish conquistadors have desecrated their works by melting the gold to make their jewelries? she was a point on this though. But true, that sooner or later our earth will have a facial lift due to sun and planetary activities.
So in 2012, looks like the deluge has happened again. When the whole world is flooded. Before scientist said that the cause of the deluge was due to melting ice from the polar ice caps. this time it is due to the solar flair that caused earth's core to heat up that made our earth shift like a rubrics cube.
i actually watched the movie 3times :)
So it all started when a scientist from India recorded the biggest solar eruption of the sun that cost the earth core to heat up making the land mass shift cozing massive earthquakes that submerge a lot of continents and also cost major shifting of poles. So if the earthquakes won't kill you, the tsunamis will. So there really wasn't any escape. However, looks like the content of Africa wasn't flooded and if you were on the tip of mount Everest you wont be drowned by the tsunamis.
The movie is good, it has moral, it has lessons learned. however there are facts that the writer has missed out. How could the African content survive when in fact it is Asia that has the highest sea level so the Asian content should have survived. And my friend actually have the point. Could be that the Mayan calendar ended on 2012 because when the Spanish conquistadors have desecrated their works by melting the gold to make their jewelries? she was a point on this though. But true, that sooner or later our earth will have a facial lift due to sun and planetary activities.
So in 2012, looks like the deluge has happened again. When the whole world is flooded. Before scientist said that the cause of the deluge was due to melting ice from the polar ice caps. this time it is due to the solar flair that caused earth's core to heat up that made our earth shift like a rubrics cube.
i actually watched the movie 3times :)