Once again, another fairy tale has brought to life by hollywood. I see no, original screen play already. Its either sequels, prequels, trilogies, base on a manga, graphic novel, even the mythology movies has been remaked and a lot of movies are booting up.
So anyway, i was meeting a client yesterday at the mall 20minutes away from my house. They treated me for dinner, discussed business and by 9pm i was done. That was my schedule yesterday. Since its freaking hot at home with no AC only an electric fan, i decided to watch Alice in Wonderland. I have been raving on about Tim B's alice in this blog of mine before anyone here in the philippines actually cared about it.
So, alice is now 16, went to a party she didn't even know that it was her engangement party. So she ran away with an excuse of I've got to think about it, and down the rabbit whole she go. Its a typical fairytale sequel. Hero called back, hero forgot memories, hero saved the day. It was soooo disney. And here I was actually expecting that it was the Return to Wonderland Graphic novel that Tim Burton is doing. Well, i through that hope out right the window when i knew Disney is behind it.
The usual trio, where there is Burton, there is Depp and there is "sorry she has such a long name and hard to pronounce for my tongue" the wife of Burton which is a good actress to. And lol the bimbo white queen. She was funny on her own way. The red queen reminds me of myself.... hahaha spoiled brat, OOOOOOoooFFFFF with THEIR HEAAADDDDSSSS!!!
*sigh* but alas, it was not what i was expecting it to be. Having disney taking up Alice in Wonderand... i see that burton's dark and gothic touch was lost. I was expecting it, specially Depp was there and his wife.
Oh well, anyway, ill be expecting alot of Alice characters in the next cosplay conventions because of this movie.
I'm still working on a custome to be the red queen... lol not the disney version, i prefer the porn version... hahahahah