Public Enemies, its more like Batman meets a serious Captain Jack Sparrow. lol. I have to admit I wanted to watch this movie is because I wanted to see Johnny Depp in big screen and I just realize i prefer him to be in roles that are not so normal. hehe. The movie itself is a drag, there are boring parts. Christian Bale? *sigh* as i was watching him act in the movie as the police detective going after Johnny depp, can't help thinking of another actor I know who, whatever role he portrays he always have one face, one expression on his face and that actor is... Keanu Reeves. lol.
Ok, Ok going back to the movie. The story line is your typical gangster movie. However, the movie looks like it was running in low budget. (but then again it could be some kind of directing style that they wanted to portray in public) The screen or the shots are like taken by home video cameras. The panning and the screening of the scene is like someone is documenting the events happening in the movie. Its like one of those reality cop series we watch

in the telly. I think if it weren't for Depp and Bale, the movie won't even get to be on the top 10 list in the box office. Favorite scene though is when Johnny Dillenger (played by Depp) steped into the chicago police department unnoticed or rather unrecognized. He even went up to the section of the building where the team who was specially assembled to capture him resides. He walked right into the office where he saw pictures of his fallen friends in crime are being posted on walls wit

h a stamp that says deased and his only picture which doesn't have the deased stamp yet. He even talked to the bunch of officers who were deep into listening who is winning the horse race. It was amazing and brave of him to do that. SPOILER ALERT! In the end of the movie, the way Johnny D. died is somewhat a suiside in his side. He knew the cops where there waiting for him, but he still went to it. I think in the end he couldn't just quit on what he did best. Even after all his friends and allies are iether died or selling him out to the police. He chosed to be shot, he chosed to be dead. He had a death wish, what a waste of life.
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