Well now, its a good thing i watched this movie on my own. You could hardly find a seat. Almost all the seats, its like I got to Trinoma 5pm but the scheduled showing of 6pm, 7pm and 9pm are already taken. Good thing the one scheduled in 9pm still have a seat available just for one. Yahoo for me.
Anyway, a friend's shout out in facebook says... "Forget the HP movie just read the book." After watching the movie, i knew how he felt. The movie is quite boring. The book is more exciting. I would suggest just buy or borrow yourself a book and it will be more interesting. But then again, 80% of the movie goers in harry potter haven't really read the book. Take for example the group of friends behind me. Their comments were. "Oh.. panget.. namatay si dumbledoor.", "Nakakapikon, bitin naman.","Napakaconfusing","Ang pangit misleading si snape." *sigh* Well obviously people who say this comments obviously haven't even touched the book.
So to the movie, I thought they almost forgot Narcissa going to Snape asking him for help in saving Draco. I didn't like Narcissa, she looked old and weak and pathetic. In the book she was discribed as a strong willed
Second, Draco looked pathetic in the movie, in the book he looked sad. A lot might not get this but the reason why Dumbledoor asked Snape to just kill him is because Dumbledoor doesn't want Draco to go through the ordeal that Voldemort gave him. He was trying to save him. I'm telling you this coz in the next movie (you people who don't want to read the book and just watch the movie) might have comments like "ay bakit naging headmaster si snape diba siya pumatay kay dumbledoor?" *rolls eyes* and stop whining its not a spoiler coz if you have read the book you should know that already and that a lot died in deathly hollows and that lupin died and that one of the weasly died too as well.
I rate this movie 7. But even though i rate it 7, i think i'm still watching the last installment just for the heck of it.
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