I have read a lot of reviews in this movie that it's not good. That its not worth a watch. That it's a waste of time. But I watched this movie with my friend and we laughed our hearts out. True the story line is shallow but the meaning of friendship is still there. When IA2 ended we know that the two mammoth became an item. In this movie, they are pregnant already with their first mammoth child. Diego the sabertooth tiger realized that his not what he used to be and Sid the sloth still wanted to feel as if he belongs. When Diego announced his going solo, Manny got offended and thought that Diego is such a selfish animal. Sid was left feeling all alone and so he found three eggs. In fact its three T-rex eggs which it hatched and thought that Sid was thier mommy. Ofcors, naturally the mommy T-rex went to look for her children and when she came and took her babies back, she also took sid with her. That's where the adventure began in the movie. They were on the quest to find and save Sid.
Its like "land before time meets journey to the center of the universe". The trail lead them into an underground place where dinosours existed. There they met "Buck" the crazy weasel. Its a movie for kids, kids will appriate it. My favorite part is when they crossed the vally of deadly fumes. LOL Buck said if you inhale the fumes it is poisionous and you will die. It just so happens that its like a hilluim gas that makes your voice sound like cheapmunks and acts like a laughing gas coz you can't stop laughing. Just picture Diego the sabortooth tiger having a voice like a cheapmunk. You have to admit it is funny. I mean in that very scene of the movie I really LMHO!
And who could forget the crazy squerrel like creature who is always on the quest get his acorn. In the first movie he is only shown in the beggining and the end of the movie. On the 2nd movie not only in the first and last scene he is shown he also got a little bit in between. Now this time in this movie, not only did he get the chance to atleast inter-act with the main
And talk about CGI to the highest level. The furrs.. they look so real. Its like your not watching animation in CGI but stuff toys walking. Watching it in the big screen makes you think how nice their furr would feel if you hug them.
Over all the movie was worth the money... but good thing we didn't go for the 3d version coz its not worth the 3d version. Sometimes there are movies worth to watch in 3d some are just worth the big screen. ^_^
Watch it if you want some laughing trip to forget your sorrows.
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