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Saturday, October 3, 2009

Saw VI trailer is out, Marvel movies on the works and liam neeson as Zues?

Yes, Liam Neeson is Zues in the up coming movie Clash of the Titans. Just like some other greek gods movie its always about Hades (ralph fiennes) who is the bad god who wants to take over the title of God of the Gods and wants to defeat all powerfull Zues (liam neeson). The story is just like the myth tells Perseus born as a god raised as a mortal is helping Zues in deafeting Hades. Since i have always been a fan of myth and legends and all those gods and goddess lore, i would probobly watch this movie as well as the up coming movie Jason and the Argonouts. I wonder why can't hollywood make a movie about the Egyptian Gods? There life are pretty interesting enough. How about the Gods in Sumeria.. tha anunakis and all. I mean there have been a lot of movies about the greek myths and ballads why not venture with other cultural gods? I mean i would like to watch a movie about marduk and how he rebeled against his father. Its just that too much greek god movies would tend to bore people.

Now Moving Along...

Marvel is on its work with Ghost Rider 2 and X-men Origins: Magnito is expected to be shown in the theaters before GhostRider2. On the other hand a stand alone movie of Silver Surfer is under way. i wonder if this time they will follow the galactus thing. I mean i wasn't empress about the fantastic 4 with him in it because there was no mention about galactus anywhere. It was not enplaned that he is just merely scouting earth if its suitable for his masters menu for dinner. and then there is Daredevil. It is still unknown if it will be a sequiel to the daredevil movie from before or will it be a reboot.

And last but not the least... for those who are into gorey movies, for people who get off in watching people being tortured to death.. Drum rolls pls... here it is the trailer for SAW6

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