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Monday, November 9, 2009


Due to my busy schedule i wasnt able to watch astroboy on the day it was first shown in the theaters. However even though i only had one day off this week due to a screwed up work sched, i took time to watch my childhood love. yes, i do remember the times i get into a fight with my dad just watch astroboy coz he prefer PBA. Well moving forward,

I was a wee kid before and i could not really remember the first story of Astroboy. But the movie is overwhelming and i think hollywood has given astroboy justice. Story goes like this, MrTenko's son died in an accident when they have tested the peacekeeper. So just like any grieving father, he wanted his son back so he created a complete replica of his son, downloading the memories of his son to this robot boy that he made using his son's dna. Later on he discovered astroboy although looks like his son and had the memories of his son, he is still not his son. When astro knew about this, he ran away from home and then was persued by President stone because of his blue energy (i forgot the name). Upon persuit he dropped off from Metropolitan city to the ground city and was adopted by a bunch of kids. However his misfortune did not end there, when the leader of the ragrats discovered his a robot, then he uses Astroboy in his robot arena. Eventually Astroboy was saved by President Stone only to have him deactivated by his own father. However MrTenko betrayed President Stone and gave astroboy back his life and finally accepted him as his son.

With fury President Stone used the red stone to defeat Astroboy but just like any other movies, the hero prevailed and he won.

I don't know about those people who watched the movie but I cried, three times. When Toby died, when his father disowned him, and when his father was about to diactivate him. I do not easyly cry on movies but sometimes when you can relate to what you are watching you cry. When you have experience death of a love one anyone dying in the movie you cry. *sigh*

Well then, I give this movie two thumbs up and i believe i'll be buying its DVD on this one as a collection, take note... its original dvd not the pirated once.... hehe..

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